Tip |
When the training set is not similar to the validation set, an ANN will always produce unexpected results. In the problem of the last section the ANN was trained using perfect sine waves at its input and its output. However, the validation set included noisy signals that were never used for training;as a result the network did not know how to handle the noisy input. |
Problem 1 |
Create a New Project called SineSignal to build an appropriate training set for learning of the sine wave z = sin(x) using a ANN for auto-association. Use 2048 training cases and 64 inputs. The input training set must include noisy sine waves and the target must include clean sine waves as shown in the figure below. The training set must include the same phasein eight different training cases. |
Solution 1 |
After editing the BuildTrainSet.lab file, ![]() |
SineSignal\BuildTrainSet.lab |
int numCases = 2048/8; int numInputs = 64; double range = 2.0*3.1415926; double deltaInput = range/numInputs; double deltaCase = range/numCases; //________________________________ Create the target Matrix trainSetTarget; trainSetTarget.Create(numCases, numInputs); int i; int j; double phase = 0.0; for(i=0; i<numCases; i++) { phase = i*deltaCase; for (j=0; j<numInputs; j++) { trainSetTarget[i][j] = sin(phase + j*deltaInput ); } } trainSetTarget.AppendDown(trainSetTarget); // Append the same cases at the bottom trainSetTarget.AppendDown(trainSetTarget); // Append the same cases at the bottom trainSetTarget.AppendDown(trainSetTarget); // Append the same cases at the bottom trainSetTarget.Save(); //________________________________ Create some noise Matrix noise; noise.CreateRandom(8*numCases, numInputs, -1.0, 1.0); //________________________________ Create the input Matrix trainSetInput = 0.6*trainSetTarget+0.4*noise; trainSetInput.Save(); |
Problem 2 |
(a) In last problem, how many rows did the training set input have before calling the function AppendDown? (b) How many rows did the training set input have after the first call to AppendDown? (c) How many rows did the training set have after the second call to AppendDown? |
Problem 3 |
Edit the BuilValidSet.lab file to build the validation set using the training set. Contaminate the target training set with 10% of noise to create the input validation set. The target of the validation set is the same as the target of the training set. |
Solution 3 |
After editing the file, ![]() |
SineSignal\BuildValidSet.lab |
//_______________________ Load the training set Matrix trainSetTarget; trainSetTarget.Load(); int numRows = trainSetTarget.GetRowCount(); int numCols= trainSetTarget.GetColCount(); Matrix noise; noise.CreateRandom(numRows, numCols, -1.0, 1.0); Matrix validSetInput = 0.6*trainSetTarget + 0.4*noise; validSetInput.Save(); |
Problem 4 |
Edit the Train.lab file to design and train an ANN for the sine wave. Use one hidden layer and 14 neurons in this layer. Train the ANN using simulated annealing and the conjugate gradient method. Because of the number of outputs, it is not possible to use the method of Levenberg Marquardt. |
Solution 4 |
After editing the file, ![]() |
SineSignal\Train.lab |
int numInputs = 64; int i; //_________________________ 1. Network Setup LayerNet net; net.Create(numInputs, 14, 0, numInputs); for(i = 0; i<numInputs; i++) { net.SetInScaler(i, -1.0, 1.0); // Input values are from -1.0 to 1.0 net.SetOutScaler(i, -1.0, 1.0); // Output values are from -1.0 to 1.0 } //________________________ 2. Load and set the training set Matrix trainSetInput; trainSetInput.Load(); Matrix trainSetTarget; trainSetTarget.Load(); net.SetTrainSet(trainSetInput, trainSetTarget, false); //________________________ 3.Train net.TrainSimAnneal(10, 10, 15, 0.001, true, 4, 1.0e-12); net.TrainConjGrad(1000,1.0e-12); //________________________ 4. Save the trained network net.Save(); |
Problem 5 |
Edit the CheckTraining.lab file to check the training: (a) Compute the mean squared error for the ANN using the training set. (b) Plot the error for each training case. (c) Save the plot as a vector image (checkTraining.pdf and checkTraining.emf) |
Solution 5 (a) |
After editing the file, ![]() |
SineSignal\CheckTraining.lab |
//_________________________________________ Load the training set Matrix trainSetInput; trainSetInput.Load(); Matrix trainSetTarget; trainSetTarget.Load(); //_________________________________________ Load the ANN LayerNet net; net.Load(); //_________________________________________ Run Matrix output = net.Run(trainSetInput); double mse = ComputeMse(output, trainSetTarget); //_________________________________________ Relative Error Vector error = ComputeRelError(output, trainSetTarget); XyChart checkTraining; checkTraining.SetCaption("case", false, "Relative Error", false); checkTraining.AddGraphY(error, "Relative Error", 2, 1, 0, 255, 0); checkTraining.SetLogScale(false, true); checkTraining.SetLimits(0, trainSetTarget.GetRowCount(), 1.0e-5, 1.0); checkTraining.SetColorMode(2); checkTraining.SaveAndShow(); checkTraining.SavePDF(0.0); checkTraining.SaveEMF(); |
Problem 6 |
Edit the Validation.lab file to perform the validation of the ANN. (a) Compute the mean squared error for the ANN using the validation set. (b) Plot the error for each validation case. (c) Save the plot as a vector image (validation.pdf and validation.emf) |
Solution 6 (a) |
After editing the file, ![]() |
SineSignal\Validation.lab |
//_________________________________________ Load the validation set Matrix validSetInput; validSetInput.Load(); Matrix trainSetTarget; trainSetTarget.Load(); //_________________________________________ Load the ANN LayerNet net; net.Load(); //_________________________________________ Run Matrix output = net.Run(validSetInput); //_________________________________________ Compute the mean squared error double mse = ComputeMse(output, trainSetTarget); //_________________________________________ Relative Error Vector error = ComputeRelError(output, trainSetTarget); XyChart validation; validation.SetCaption("case", false, "Relative Error", false); validation.AddGraphY(error, "Relative Error", 2, 1, 0, 255, 0); validation.SetLogScale(false, true); validation.SetLimits(0, trainSetTarget.GetRowCount(), 1.0e-5, 1.0); validation.SetColorMode(2); validation.SaveAndShow(); validation.SavePDF(0.0); validation.SaveEMF(); Vector target0 = trainSetTarget.GetRowVec(0); Vector target199 = trainSetTarget.GetRowVec(199); Vector target399 = trainSetTarget.GetRowVec(399); // Vector output0 = output.GetRowVec(0); Vector output199 = output.GetRowVec(199); Vector output399 = output.GetRowVec(399); // Vector input0 = validSetInput.GetRowVec(0); Vector input199 = validSetInput.GetRowVec(199); Vector input399 = validSetInput.GetRowVec(399); |
Problem 7 |
Repeat Problem 1 to 6 using: (a) signals contaminated with 60% of noise, (b) signals contaminated with 80% of noise. |
Problem 8 |
Generate a report in Microsoft Word. Write some conclusions in the report focusing on the problems that were faced during the simulation and how these problems were or could be solved. |
Problem 9 |
A student found a database using the Internet. The database was composed of 200 training cases. To be able to use more neurons in the hidden layer (and thus reduce the MSE for training), the student duplicated the 200 training cases to build a database with 400 cases. Is her approach correct? |
Problem 10 |
Explain why in problem 1 we have used the same cases eight times. Explique porqué en el problema 1 nosotros hemos usado ochos veces los mismos casos. |
Problem 11 |
Repeat Problems 1 to 6 using Matlab.